

A love and faith-based tale of motherhood



Mid week musings

My goodness.  Time is flying.  Can you believe next week is the end of July?  Then, just like that, we’re in August.  As August approaches, that means back to school for many families.  Some of you may be rejoicing with that vision.  And some of you may be running for the hills wanting more vacation time.  In our household, that vision of back to school is bringing both rejoicing and running for the hills all at the same time.  Now, that’s a lovely vision, isn’t it?  We’re ready for the change, the journey, the people, and the work that a new school year brings.  But we also want more time at home, soaking up moments with our little people, experiencing the ups and downs of baby and preschooler development.

In the midst of all those joys and stresses, I have lots to reflect on this week.

1.  Rearranging.  Organizing.  Baby-proofing.  Seems that they all go hand in hand.  Because once you start baby-proofing, you realize you need to organize.  And once you start organizing, you feel like you need to rearrange.  Funny how that happens.

2.  Cooking.  I’ve started a ‘meal swap’ this week with a friend.  We each cooked double of one meal, and shared with each other.  Cooking for one night, and meals for two nights.  Discovering that it’s much more fun to cook when you know more than just two people are eating your food.  And what a great way to explore new recipes!

3. FitBit.  My husband and girls gave this to me for a birthday gift.  I am loving it so far!  However, I am now keenly aware of how little sleep I get each night.  No wonder I get a little grumpy sometimes…. Goals have been established for more sleep.  Stay tuned.

4. Listening.  Audiobooks are my newfound avenue to reading.  Well, I know it’s not reading, but it’s the next best thing when it’s close to impossible to sit down and read a book.  So, I’m listening to Amy Poehler’s Yes Please on audiobook.  This not only served as a great thing to enjoy while flying with kids and babies, but also a great way to spend most of my time in the car while driving for work.  NOTE*** this is definitely not a book to listen to while transporting children around town, that is, unless you want them expanding their vocabulary.

5. Change.  Both my husband and I are gearing up for some change in our work lives.  This won’t be the first time we go through new ventures at the same time.  And this definitely won’t be the last.  We have come to learn that change is a constant in our life.  And I do believe that change, and fluidity through seasons in life, can teach flexibility, adaptation, and gratefulness.  Only after you learn to embrace the chaos.


There’s so much more…. the ongoing celebrations of my birthday with good friends, old friends, and new friends.  The ever changing smile of our baby girl as she pops more teeth through that once gummy smile.  The amazing kindness and maturity of our preschooler, whom has found her seed in life, nurtured it, and thrived this summer.  The hard work and humility of my husband as he plugs away in the 110 heat working his landscaping passion.

Although it’s still blazing hot here, we are gearing up for “Fall”-like activities with back to school preparations.  One can wish that the fall weather will be soon to follow.

As we come to the last week of July, what are your reflections?

Shine on, my friend.

Over the Hump: Weekly Recap

Hi gang…. I know, I know, I’m a day (or two, by the time this is edited and posted) late in my mid-week reflection.  I guess that’s what a 10 day long vacation can do to your brain.  It takes a while to start thinking like a functioning human being again.  Vacations are like a double edged sword.  They are amazing and awful all at the same time.  Yes, amazing AND awful.  You heard me.  The amazingness is the easy part- the relaxation, the beauty, the time with loved ones and little ones.  The awfulness is the mess that comes along with a vacation.  The mounds of laundry, the exceptions to the rules, the off schedule sleep patterns, and the not so healthy diets.  So, as we come down from the amazingness of our vacation, here’s a recap of our mid-week happenings (over the hump and a day late)….

1. Our baby responded well to the cool midwestern air.  She grew an inch of hair, sprouted 3 teeth, and learned to crawl.  All in a week.  Whew.

2. My nursing days have come to a bittersweet end.  Gone are my late night snuggly nursing sessions (sad).  But also gone are my in-car pumping sessions (bonus).  And I can now wear a dress to work.  Major bonus.

3. As we transition back into reality, we also have to transition back into a healthier lifestyle.  We definitely adopted the midwestern comfort food eating habits, after all, we did find every candy shop, fudge store, and ice cream parlor in town.  Now, we’re going to get serious with some clean and healthy eating.  I’ve decided to follow a 2 week meal plan to clean eating from the amazing blogger over on Bless This Mess, Please We have the steak carnitas tacos cookin’ right now.

4. I am currently suffering from a pretty bad chin splint.  Most likely from running a mile through the St. Paul airport in flip flops, holding my 18 pound baby, trying to keep up with my marathon runner husband, all the while hearing our names blasting over the paging system for our final boarding call.  Learning that just because you are in the concourse does not mean you are close to your gate was a pretty important lesson.

5. We are in the throughs of missing people right now.  With long vacations, come long breaks from people.  Teaching a child how to be present with the people you’re with, while still missing those far away is a hard concept.  This conversation also reminds me of how terribly bad I miss my sister and her crew, whom may have moved back into the country, but they’re still a full country’s length away. Miss you sis.

For those of you vacationing, or coming home, or visiting loved ones, or missing those far away, we’re right there with you.

And for those of you who have a nanny, a maid, and a cook waiting for you when you come home from your vacation…. now, that’s a true vacation.

Much love,



Hump Day Five

So, it’s July. That means six months have come and gone in what still seems to be a brand new year.  But, now we’ve turned a corner and are one day closer to 2016 than we were to 2014. Crazy, right? In a way, it’s our hump day of the year. We can see six months behind us and we look ahead at the six months to come. 

It’s been a while since I’ve been blogging. Between work days, mommy days, sick days, and vacation days, life got crazy. But, really, when is life not crazy?? So, in reflection this morning, I realized I am going to take time every week to think of the most important, most crazy, and sometimes even the most ridiculous things happening each week. Doing this kind of reflection each week, in the middle, on Hump Day, to give me a chance to look back and look forward at the same time.  And to remind me to be still, even for a moment. 

So, here are my Hump Day 5 for the week… 

1. We are all finally, thankfully healthy after a long streak of crazy and random illnessss.  Blessings in disguise- we made it through the school year completely healthy! 

2. Both girls are waking up multiple times during the night, leaving me with little to no sleep.  Makes me really appreciate sleep so much more.  And the girls are actually napping better during the day. 

3. Watched “Mom’s Night Out” last night. By far the best movie I’ve seen in a very long time. I highly recommend it. 

4. Divorce is ugly.  And so are rude people.  Whoever tells you otherwise is crazy. However, the grace, patience, and humbling love of my husband reminds me that everyone deserves a happy ending.  And he is mine. 

5. I am making my first homemade meal tonight in 3 weeks. That’s right folks, three weeks. Between recital, sickness, work, and vacation, we have been living on take out food and other people’s cooked foods. So, get ready, this momma is cooking tonight. 

Oh, and one more thing. I am loving these long, cool pants. They are amazingly cool in the Arizona heat. And perfect for being on the go.  

 Hopefully you can find the time to reflect on the good, the bad, and maybe even the crazy in your week. 
Blessings and love, 


Blueberry yogurt pops (yes, they’re healthy!)

Summer is approaching very quickly.  For some of us, it’s already here (eh hem, Arizona residents).  For others, you have a few more months of Spring weather to enjoy.  No matter the weather you’re enjoying or dreading right now, this is a recipe that is sure to be a huge hit for the entire family.  This recipe is so simple and easy, you won’t believe that they actually taste good!

This is a great “treat” for a hot day after swimming or a day at the park.  This treat is wonderful for kids of all ages, plus parents and friends, too.  And the best part?  They’re healthy!  For more information on how we offer treats in our household, see my previous post on “3. 2. 1. A Mealtime Guide.”

Here’s what you’ll need:

Frozen blueberries (approximately 1 1/2 cups)

Plain nonfat Greek yogurt (approximately 1 1/2 cups)

2-3 ounces of water

Blender (The Magic Bullet MBR-1701 17-Piece Express Mixing Set” target=”_blank”>Magic Bullet is still amazing, use after use)

Popsicle molds (Find the cute molds that I used on Jelly Belly Lickety Sip Ice Pop Mold” target=”_blank”>Amazon)


1. Mix equal parts blueberries and equal parts yogurt into your blender (don’t mind the messiness in my picture…. I had a fabulous four year old sous chef).  Also…. lesson learned, put your yogurt closest to the blending blades.  This will help it blenderize faster.

2. Add a “splash” of water to assist with the blending process.

3. Pour mixture into the popsicle molds.

4. Freeze for a minimum of 6 hours.

5. Enjoy!

             Good to the very last bite!

Enjoy for an easy and yummy treat!



We’ve implemented a new plan in our house lately. And it is working wonders.

Does anyone else have a child that likes sweets as much as mine? I know, I know. I am to blame- not only am I a softie when it comes to sweets, I was also born with a sweet tooth. So, by natural inheritance, my daughter is obsessed with sweet food. (I swear it’s genetic).

Or, does anyone have the “I’m full but hungry” child?  You know? That child who is so full at the dinner table he can’t possibly take another bite of his meal (even though it’s only been 5 bites)? And then, 30 minutes later, he’s complaining of being starving. Yes, we know that child very well, too. The always full but always hungry child will result in the always grazing child.

Well, all of these amazingly smart tactics from the little people in our household got us thinking… Who’s really in charge of mealtime? And after much debate (and according to my 4 year old, the jury is still out on this one), we decided to take back mealtime. So, here’s what we’re doing… And here’s why it works.


3 meals, 2 snacks, and 1 treat. That’s it. 

3 meals- well, this is pretty obvious: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Each meal ‘strives’ to have a protein and a fruit or vegetable. Each meal occurs at approximately the same time each day. Each meal is predictable, in that the kids know it’s coming.

2 snacks- these are also fairly predictable: morning and afternoon. This area, however, is when it becomes a little more gray. While I will always provide a morning snack and an afternoon snack, there are times which major growth spurts are happening, and in this case (if every meal is fully devoured, and each snack is fully devoured), I will also offer another serving of fruits, vegetables, or protein.  Our snacks include a mini version of fruit or vegetable, plus a grain or protein.

1 treat- given at any point after lunch. This is the most challenging piece for us, which is what our drive was behind this new rule. We allow one treat throughout the entire day. This can be ice cream, frozen yogurt, a piece of candy,  slice of pie, a piece of cake…. Anything sweet.  But, once one sweet has been enjoyed for the day, that’s it for the rest of the day.  So, when Sweet Suzy wants frozen yogurt for an afternoon treat, she will have to learn that there will be no dessert after dinner.

This plan works.  It works for the kids…. and even for the adults.  While it takes the negotiation out of mealtime, snacks, and sweets, it also puts an emphasis on a healthy eating routine for everyone.  This puts an end to the frequent grazing, that can often interfere with successful meals.  This implements the opportunity to say “take it or leave it- but you’ll have to wait until the next time to eat.”  It also takes the battle out of the constant want for all of those unnecessary treats.


You wake, you take

I know I’m not alone when I say I enjoy some peace and quiet every now and then. Having children has really put this into perspective. What was once a given is now a complete luxury. You might as well spend the money for a night at the Four Seasons, because those are the chances that you’ll ever have peace and quiet with kids in the house. It evens seems as though chances decreases exponentially as the number of kids increases.

That is why nap time is precious. Nap time is sacred. Nap time is that cherished sliver of your day. That is, when it does happen. Nap time is one of those natural wonders of parenthood that needs to be protected. As a parent, you will do all that you can to make that nap happen. And you will do all that you can to make it last as long as it can.

Nap time is one of those natural wonders of parenthood that needs to be protected.

Which is why, as a parent who believes in the preservation of naps, I have invested in this chalkboard sign (from the clearance garden section at Hobby Lobby). So simple and cute, isn’t it? With some basic chalk, I added my own message, and voila- it’s done!


Now, don’t get me wrong, the message on this sign could have been much more blatant and to the point. Amongst an extensive Pinterest search, and based upon some sayings that popped into mind, here are some sayings that could have gone on this sign instead:

“We have a baby. ‘Nuff said”

“Welcome to our house. Now leave us alone”

“Do not disturb”

“Ring the bell, we ring your neck”

“Sleeping baby. Go away”

“Children napping. You wake, you take”

But, I chose to use kind words – since we’re really driving that lesson home right now with our 4 year old. So, this is our finished product in action:


It’s been so lovely to not have the doorbell wake up our kids… Especially because I think we have the bell specifically designed for the hearing impaired or senior citizen folk. It’s so nice to just hear a little tap-tap-tap on the door. So peaceful, quiet, and considerate.  And then… it’s so nice to hear the dog bark, even louder than that darn doorbell at even the faintest knock. Our dog, the ferocious guard dog who feels the need to protect the house from all visitors with her bark that is larger than life.


This sweet little furry thing has obviously not read the baby books or the parenting books. She clearly does not understand the awesomeness of nap time. She will even attempt to sabotage sleep time. She knows how to open the kids’ doors with her snout, strut on in, and shake it out. Just loud enough to startle and wake a drowsy baby. She knows to hide in the corner of a room without being seen, only to get closed in, and then start whining at the door to come out. She knows to howl her “hellos” to us coming up the stairs loud and clear for all who are sleeping to hear.

So, now, it’s not that pesky doorbell that wakes our kids. It’s not the visitors. It’s not the UPS man dropping off a package. It’s the dog. The sweet, innocent, totally unaware dog. Now, if only she understood what “you wake, you take” means.

From 3 to 30: leaving the house in 30 simple steps

So, today, we had to run an errand.  A simple, easy, let’s get out of the house, let’s go get this done, errand.  And who would have thought that simple errand would lead to my next blog post… Enjoy 🙂

Leaving the house before kids:

  1. Pour coffee
  2. Grab your purse.
  3. Get in the car and leave. 

Leaving the house with kids:

  1. Pour coffee
  2. Check the diaper bag: realize that there are no diapers or extra burp cloth
  3. Run upstairs for more diapers and the burp cloth
  4. Baby has projectile spit up and totally wipes out the onesie.  And your sweater.
  5. Change baby’s diaper and onesie
  6. Change your sweater
  7. Toddler has to go to the bathroom
  8. Put the baby in the car seat
  9. Pour toddler’s water cup to go
  10. Pack a snack
  11. Grab coffee
  12. Find keys
  13. Hear a massive poop explosion come from the baby in the car seat
  14. Take the baby out
  15. Change the diaper again
  16. Change onesie again using the backup onesie in the diaper bag 
  17. Put baby back in the car seat
  18. Find your keys
  19. Run back upstairs to get a onesie for the diaper bag
  20. Load the diaper bag and keys into the car
  21. Go to the bathroom {again- because you know your chances of going to the bathroom in public with two kids is nearly impossible}
  22. Get baby into the car
  23. Get toddler into the car.  Baby starts crying.
  24. Go back inside for a pacifier
  25. Go back outside and put the pacifier into the baby’s mouth. Toddler forgot water cup. 
  26. Go back inside for water cup.
  27. Get into the car.  Realize you forgot your coffee inside
  28. Grab coffee
  29. Find your keys- In the car. 
  30. Leave.  45 minutes later. 

No joke, this is our reality on at least half of the attempts to run errands.  But, we almost always end up where we’re going with a smile.  And it’s always more entertaining.

Leaving the house with kids is always more entertaining than leaving the house without kids.
Leaving the house with kids is always more entertaining than leaving the house without kids.

10 at 10

This list was created during one of my many late night feedings just 10 days after giving birth. I found it as I was cleaning out my notes section. It’s funny how so many of these memories have already faded, but once triggered, they come back in a flash.

10 things with a 10 day old
1. I can finally see my ankle bones. Well, aren’t you pretty?!
2. Even though I have my entire shoe wardrobe to choose from again, I now have stretch marks on my feet.
3. Your 3 year old asks you “when is your big belly going to go away?” Seriously?
4. At 3 hour stretches, I am getting more sleep than I did in my last month of pregnancy.
5. It hurts to sneeze. And cough. And laugh.
6. My fingers are still tingly.
7. I am surprisingly good at sleeping while sitting up.
8. Means sending your mom to the store for feminine products and having her return with bladder control products.
9. Pants without buttons are my best friend.
10. This little miracle of life is the biggest gift and best reward of pregnancy.

This list of 10 things evolves every day, every week, and every month of parenthood (more to come on that thought later). What do you remember about having a 10 day old? Probably not a whole lot due to the severe sleep deprivation and hormonal explosions that comes with caring for a newborn. I am so grateful that I thought to write them down and capture these memories before they flee.


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